Well i just put on my Lambos and had a smile from ear to ear when i saw them on. I bought them from Red Rum Customs in case anybody is interested.
There is one problem with the kit.....I have 750lb struts for the doors and they are WAYYYY to strong. I mean when i open the door, it shoots right up.......Honestly it could be used as a canapult.
So my sponsors tried VDI 720lb struts and they worked better....Then tried VDI 550lb (civic) struts...and they worked the best however they were alittle too weak.
Bottom line i called Redrum and said i could exchange them for a 700LB strut......Which i plan on doing.
Has anyone else had this problem with thier doors and what LB struts did you end up going with.....I find it hard to believe these 750s didn't work cause i thought that was the reccomended poundage.
Thanks for any imput!
do you have a sedan or coupe?
also, did you bother searching for this? it gets brought up a few times, especially since the lambo GP. it seems that either Chin-Wah has a hard time packing the right struts with their products, or people have a hard time placing the correct order for their application.
some people noticed much better results on sedans with 700's.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I apologize for this post. It was just the fact i have a coupe and i heard 750 are the ones you want. So to tell you the truth i dunno what to do.
But redrum is sending me 700Lbs and were going to go from there.
Thanks everyone
REDRUM SUCKS......they ripped my friend off so bad when he had problems with his shocks...........he should have got them from the GP seems like that guy running it works with any problems that come up.......that's where I will be getting mine from......SUPPORTING A FELLOW ORG MEMBER
anyhow good luck man!!!!!!!!!!!
after using them a little bit it will lose some strength. give it a few weeks with the 750. it will get easier. its what i have on mine and after a few weeks its alot better now.
i have the 750s and they arent too incredibly hard to pull down.... im gonna wait a few weeks and see