What's the major difference between varad and streetglow underbody lights? Don't know whether to buy a set of varad hyper bright LED's or streetglow gold series neon's???
"don't race ebraking idiot honda drivers" - BlackEco
the more i hear the more i think LEDS are the way to go, gold series come in glass tubes and break easier, I KNOW VARAD is a good company for LEDs, so IMO i would lean towards the Varads myself.
i thought streetglows come in a lexan tube? lexan != glass
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<a href="http://www.modasylum.com">www.modasylum.com</a>
StreetGlow.com - Gold Line Neons
Each neon bulb is encapsulated in high impact lexanŽ to withstand the toughest road conditions and elements.
(sorry, no edit function)
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<a href="http://www.modasylum.com">www.modasylum.com</a>
IM wondering about the plasmaglow i havent heard to much but from pics they look pretty bright and from the lil i heard they are supposed to be brighter then the gold series
how bout streetglow's brand of leds?
i had plasma glow leds on my ride and i didnt find them that bright at all , i now have eurolite elite series on mine and they are just as bright if not brighter than most of them on the market but i gotta say i love the street glow product just got eurolites as a gift
StreetGlow LED's PWN any other kit. Ask Ian Lacey, Jack Brown or Ruen.
<img src=http://www.krimotorsports.com/images/graphics/newjbosign1210.gif>
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"Your Premier Source For Automotive Neon & Accessories!"
Well, I just got a Varad ULX300 kit and down in my area I have countless people asking me where I got color changing neons from because they are every bright, I would also like to add the new varad design with the flat rectangle tubes makes mounting a snap and they are super well hidden even on my mostly stock cavy with no kit, etc. Hopefully one of these days soon I will get some pics at night with the varad kit because they are definately as bright if not brighter than the gold series from street glow, and if you live in a very broken tube area like I do, I would highly suggest the varad kit.

Proud Owner of a 2001 Cavalier Sedan!
Proud Member of the SinisterJ's Club
I really don't understand the concept of the color changing LED kits. To me, when you buy something, you buy it to go with your car, i.e. match your car. I have the red LED kit because, well obviously red matched my car. I wouldn't think of putting yellow, blue, green, etc. on my car. It just wouldn't look right. In essence, when you buy a color changing LED kit, you buy not only the color that matches and looks good, but alos a ton of others that clash and look hideous...
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
Ian Lacey wrote:I really don't understand the concept of the color changing LED kits. To me, when you buy something, you buy it to go with your car, i.e. match your car. I have the red LED kit because, well obviously red matched my car. I wouldn't think of putting yellow, blue, green, etc. on my car. It just wouldn't look right. In essence, when you buy a color changing LED kit, you buy not only the color that matches and looks good, but alos a ton of others that clash and look hideous...
Not if you have a white car like me. Every color looks good with a plain white car, and it's nice to switch it up every now and then.
all i know is streetglow has horrable customer service..atleast in my case, i could never get a hold of anyone and i left 3 messages but nobody ever got back to me