I installed my driver side hinge today and it went on like a glove compared to my old Dech kit..
Problem is the back of the bottom of the door is REALLY close to the back when the door is shut. Which in between the front of the door and fender theres a huge gap.
What can be done to fix this?
move the hinge where its bolted to the fram eo fthe car. I know on my kit I couldnt reuse the stock nuts which had the washers welded on, I had to use different nuts.
There is some play in them, i would say you probably need to move the top set back a little but the bottom ones further than the top ones to even it out.
most people swap the nuts with the 2 nuts on your strut tower.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
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I used other nuts, not stock ones though. Since this is my 2nd lambo kit .
just like uiguy said....try and push the hinge forward. that SHOULD work...its what my friend and i did when we installed lambos on his car
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Tried that, to no avail. ill be putting on the passenger side 2morrow.
I had the same problem. I went to Ace Hardware and bought smaller washers, which gave me the extra 1/8 inch or so that I needed to even up the gaps. The gaps still aren't perfect, but I'm happy with the way it turned out.
I have the same problem. Was going to make a thread but found this first. I am going to try the new bolt thing on thurs when I have a day off.
Well i did my passenger side and that one is fine. ONLY other prob i have is sitting in the door and closing it. Its EASY to bring down but hard to close it wants to shoot up right away. WHich when i close it i miss the door stricker
that gap you will need because the door does not tuck anymore under the fender, like on the stock hinges, now the whole door comes out, that gap is necessary so it doesnt grab your fender.