Ok, this really has nothing to do with anya spect of tuning in particular, but what I amw ondering, when it comes to all the ECU stuff and setting the car up to work right, I was wondering how you went about learning to do it.
I want to eventually install my own turbo kit and tune the 97 ECU im swapping in with HP Tuners, but I'm all kinds of skittish on learning on the motor that i'm about to drop a bunch of money to have built, only to screw it up royally yanno?
If anyone can get back to me about how to begin learning this stuff, I would be most appreciated.
(And yes I know it would be easier to take it to someone, but I would like to have the ability to do it myself)
Ignore this post, this is completely off topic, but how long has this forum been here? I don't ever remember there being a tuning forum.
Sorry, wish I could help you.
its been here for a few weeks not long, actually the help files that are included with the hp tuners software ive found to be extremely helpful, they also define what all the tables are, and of course Shifted he knows all
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
ya shifted is one smart @!#$ when it comes to jbodies ask him or me Ill be glad to help you with any questions. And to learn about tuning just read some magazines and read all around jbody its all Ive done and I'm able to successfully tune my car in.
thanks guys, CAV, you mention magazines, any ones in particular?
Buy the package.
DL your cal and look at it.
Read the help files to understand what you are looking at.
make small single changes to values and see if things happen the way you hoped,
post specific questions in this forum about what you are lost on.
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easiest is ask people who tune about individual issues....i.e. fuel maps, redline,.......