I was comming back from DFW airport from dropping my buddy off. It was still early, like 5:30am. I see this silver 4-door Ion. Chrome wheels, tinted windows, lowered and exhaust. I was looking at it think it was done pretty well. It had a really nice sound to it.
Before I know it he's on the left side of me. He jumps a little. Were going about 55 and I shift down into 3rd (should have went to 2nd) we take off and he pulls on me just a hair I quickly catch up and start putting some distance on him. Not enough though and i'm comming up on an Accord FAST. I take the right lane and cut back over. Then back into his lane because of another car. I'm right on his ass. I mean right on it, lol. We pass the car and I pull back over to my lane and proceed to pass him. We were hitting 105 I was pretty sure the Ions shut down at 108 like the cav. Sure enough around 110 he shuts down. I just held it to about 130 just to pour a little salt in the wound.
Before you start pissing and moaning I know it was pretty stupid. But....well there's no excuse it was dumb. I hadn't had any fun in a while though.
P.S. I was not spraying at all.
Non-turbo DSM I take it?
no more street racing ok?
WTF, why are my post the only ones that get moved from the vs forum. I know its J body vs but i'm not the only one that post in there. Figure its good to keep the racing stories together. I think mods are racist. Yea you dont like me because my cars a half-breed. I see how it is.....Bastards!
J/K I love you
yay, you beat a non boosted Ion.. I own one, I can tell you they are slow! Faster than my gf's 2.2 ohv cav, but still.. 140hp on a car that weighs close to 3,000 lbs doesn't equal fast.
Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
lone_wolf wrote:yay, you beat a non boosted Ion.. I own one, I can tell you they are slow! Faster than my gf's 2.2 ohv cav, but still.. 140hp on a car that weighs close to 3,000 lbs doesn't equal fast.
his DSM is also non-boosted....
At least I don't street race.. Oh yeah, is your wife still a ho.. Thought so.
Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
Wow...... only 8 posts to completely turn a thread into crap......
with mine that's 9...... hooray!
With ADBOT it's 10..... double hooray!
Borsty wrote:lone_wolf wrote:At least I don't street race.. Oh yeah, is your wife still a ho.. Thought so.
no but your mom is.
borsty, your posts lighten my day.
tell me where this guy lives and i will show him the true fury that is know as the turbo 4G63!
i am suprised ur dsm is still runnin i been through 3 and counting.. they are jsut so sexy i keep going back for more
-=Shadow=- wrote:Borsty wrote:lone_wolf wrote:At least I don't street race.. Oh yeah, is your wife still a ho.. Thought so.
no but your mom is.
borsty, your posts lighten my day.
tell me where this guy lives and i will show him the true fury that is know as the turbo 4G63!
Centra GA
and i know of few people who wouldnt mind raping your ass

other cars, better cars?