Wonder how much they want
I wonder if they know the manufacturers warranty (even if it was extended to the maximum) ended in 1991?
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"Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance."
--Sam Brown
i hope the oil was changed every 3 months

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
That's only an hour and half from me. That'd be awesome. But I'm thinking the warranty's gone lol.
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
It'd still be under warranty if it had never been titled.
Ummm.. warranty is activated the day of sale from the dealer...
And with 98,000 miles.. it's been titled I think, unless it's done 400,000 some-odd passes on the track.
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"Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance."
--Sam Brown
GAM, that was 98 miles, not 98,000. But yeah I'd have to agree that the Manufacturer's Warranty has definitely expired since I don't think that GM even still makes parts for that car

Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home
Actually, I'd imagine the warranty is still good if the car has never been sold. It'd be interesting to contact Buick and see what they have to say about it. Regardless, the car is ugly as balls, but I'd still drive it, because w/ some work it could rage all
does it really need work to rage? they're fast off the showroom floor
@!#$ i would love to have that car, that @!#$ its damn never brand new.
Till the hood comes off, till the gas runs out, Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth, Till the smoke clears out - am I high? Perhaps
I'ma boost this @!#$, till the rods collapse
wow brand new....thats freakin nuts
wonder how that happend
Who cares if it has a warranty. I want that car very, VERY badly!!!! One day, when I'm rich, I'll buy a cool car.
retail value of the GN with 98 miles on it and since it does used USED CAR on the page
$9,725 US
Saint: Maybe I'm wrong, but used car dealers around here will put 24 KM and mean 24,000. No-one takes them to task on it because everyone expects 24,000... I've see it say ONLY 24KM!!! YES, 2-4 KM, I call and it's 24,000 still.
*shrug* I just can't believe that someone didn't enjoy driving that thing for more than 98 miles.
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"Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance."
--Sam Brown
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Saint: Maybe I'm wrong, but used car dealers around here will put 24 KM and mean 24,000. No-one takes them to task on it because everyone expects 24,000... I've see it say ONLY 24KM!!! YES, 2-4 KM, I call and it's 24,000 still.
*shrug* I just can't believe that someone didn't enjoy driving that thing for more than 98 miles.
that is possible but it doesnt have the km on it it just says 98 orginal miles
My boss is a huge GN fan, he's kicked himself so many times for selling his, I showed him this link, he's thinking of driving over there and checking it out
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
that car is so freak'n bad I'd give my left arm for that
Yes it is a cavalier deal with it
nah you know they're gonna gouge you on it....
anyone ever see what the paint looks like on showroom cars after about 2 weeks? all the mystery scratches and haze? i bet that car's paint SUCKS
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