Your definitely doing something wrong, not a single one of those pictures looks clear and crisp which is the whole advantage of a prime lens.
For example.... some shoes using my A700 with the Sony 50 f/1.4 prime.
But on the bright side at least there's a nice car in your poor quality pics nowadays
Your such a Hater Dark!
I cant say I have a clue what the problem is. Camera is kept clean, Lens is brand new. And I only edit with Lightroom ATM.... Possibly my marking software?
Heres a non marked full scale VS marked reduced...
Looks the same to me?
I think its time to have the camera sent out, and have them adjust the auto focus, it looks to me like the whole image is blurry, were you using a filter? I have one high end Sony G lens and if I use a polarizing filter on it it throws off the auto focus and takes @!#$ quality pics.
nice having a car that feels sturdy huh?
I like s2k's
Darkstars wrote:Your definitely doing something wrong, not a single one of those pictures looks clear and crisp which is the whole advantage of a prime lens.
For example.... some shoes using my A700 with the Sony 50 f/1.4 prime.

But on the bright side at least there's a nice car in your poor quality pics nowadays 
That's the best picture of dirty sneakers I've ever seen!
2010 Honda Fit LX
the pic w/ the road ahead is awesome! that is all.
WiGM-Tuners member.
Yes I use a Circular Polarizer. Ill try a pair of shots with and w/o
now I'm no photographer, but every single picture you ever post has the same look to it... Almost a "saturated" look? Lines are soft rather than crisp, everything seems to be tinted and hazy... I dunno how to explain it but you are the only photographer I have seen have all his pics look that way. And you claim you are a pro and your pics are top notch, why are no actual pro's pics coming out like that? Trying to say this as nice as I can, but to me the subject in the picture isn't even exciting to look at any more because they all have that same foggy, darkened, dreary feeling to them. Day, night, winter, summer, all your pics have a gloomy and hazy feel.
On the other have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
#1 Thats how I shoot... And it De-Saturated.
And you claim you are a pro and your pics are top notch
Link Please?
Usually when a Photographer Carry's on a particular style, look, or feel to his image is just his "signature"
I know you dont like it, Hell maybe no one does.
Does it matter?
"...didn't think so."??? Really? Wow you are as mature as you are good at photography. Get a life and get over yourself faggot. I couldn't be more sick of one persons attitude on a @!#$ internet forum, than I am with yours.
On the other have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
It's kinda funny in your first post how you said you got some "good" shots... I'd be embarrassed to have my water mark on any of these let alone attempt to show them off. I have never seen an SLR in the hands of someone who claims to know what he's doing take such poor quality pics, most of the JBO members with point and shoot cameras are better at getting, clear, in focus, crisp, clean pictures.
I think it should be Chazz with the Paper Weight
All of the pics are blurry, there's definitely something going wrong with your camera or the way you're using it.

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
also stating the photos all seem blurred? hard to look at em. Can you manually focus with your camera? If so mess around with it and see if its something with the auto focus. I know mine I can switch to manual focus which is nice sometimes.
However I will say in the original post, some of the pictures make the car look like its a miniature toy.. so that looks kind of cool lol
Dave Dunsmoor wrote:All of the pics are blurry, there's definitely something going wrong with your camera or the way you're using it.
x2. I get better shots with my point and shoot.
Looking good man, Just please don't paint the wheels black and ruin them. They seem to be in decent condition and just needing some new rear tires. I think the silver would look much better than painting them black. Props for the nice new car that you now have!

2009 Ford Mustang V6
i'm glad you went with the S2k. What lens did you get?
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
Check it out! -->
Got 2. Canon 50mm 1.4/F USM (What I used above)
And I have a Canon 20mm 2.8/F USM that should be here this week. Got is to use with a rig.
Gotta agree about the pics...
That other S2000 you posted,
that is what the pictures should look like
I mean...
Compare the two,
the other car is much clearer,
you can make out the license plates in the background etc.
Not pretending I know about SLR...
Cause I don't,
but yeah, something needs to be fixed
The pictures look great. I won't knock's just the poor focus makes them fuzzy.
All of them would be wallpaper worthy if they just had that crisp pop off the screen look.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM |