I've read stories with control/ test groups, where one group of drivers, same car-options etc, has a mileage monitor equipped. The other does not. Time and again, the drivers with the mileage guage, averaged a 10% or more fuel efficiency on a per gallon basis.
These tests have been done on trucks/ suv's, full-size cars, sportscars, and compacts, and the result is the same. When people can see that easing off the accelerator instantly bumps up their mpg by 5+, they..... continue to ease of the gas!
It seems that this would accomplish the trifecta: 1) signifigantly reduce CO2 emissions 2) reduce consumption of fossil fuels 3) Save money at the pump.
Added bonuses of less wear + tear on vehicles, and fewer speeding tickets!
These doo-dads aren't very expensive, and if mandated, would lower their cost even more. I'm typically against most government meddling, but this seems to make more sense than "because I'm the president + because I said so" mandates.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
F that noise. I don't want the government installing that in my car That truly seems like one of those slippery slopes. By the way I don't want the people who drive retardedly slow going any slower.
Most German cars already have them installed from the factory. Stop thinking the government is trying to take over your life.
They only help if you actually care in the first place. If I'm in a hurry, I don't even look at mine. If I'm just driving then I pay more attention.
hell the one in my wife's rango is always on the temperature anyways.
That would be cool if I was a hypermiling jackass.
2010 Honda Fit LX
my silverado has it already in the computer. I can flip through the display on the odometer. I usually monitor my mpg since i have such a long commute to work and its all highway. Cruise Control works great too for mpg control.
Ok, for you "aint gonna do it to me, no sirree" types.... thank-you for your input.
I don't hyper mile by any means. Well, I accelerate slowly, but not a crawl, and seldom drive more than 65 mph on the freeway, I coast to stops when I can, instead of gassing it and then throwing on the brakes 100 ft from the light. Why race to be the first one to stop? Just how much money on fuel would americans save if 1/4 of us saved 10% on the fuel we use.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
I already have that in my cruiser, built into the computer.......
Most new cars already have them? And many of them aren't accurate either - they're inflated higher than what you really get. You can't be driving a manufacturer's car that gets bad MPG now could ya?
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Spitcan wrote:my silverado has it already in the computer. I can flip through the display on the odometer. I usually monitor my mpg since i have such a long commute to work and its all highway. Cruise Control works great too for mpg control.
cruise control will actually keep you from maximum mileage , on flat land and dips, and going up hills , its pulling on the pedal alot more than you would , in my cavs sometimes it would even down shift into 2nd gear to climb a hill , where i could do it in 4th