Well I put my car in the garage to do some work on it. well doing some work to it is now gonna cost me alot more. I was quoted today $1100.70 in repair on my car, stupid boxes falling and hitting my car. debating wether I want to claim it or not. everyday I want to get rid of this car more and more. I really want a Eco 5spd. anyway on to the pics.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
need daytime pics, can't hardly see any damage.
Soo, were the boxes full of books? vhs tapes? dumbells??
amazing was a bunch of books could do to a car.
boxes full of vhs tapes? what are we in the 80's.....lol

I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
Ok now that I got my posts back, I was messin with my new seats in the garage, and a couple boxes of books, fell into the side of it, They were the big thick shop manuals that my dad had from when he was a mechanic, I just have to get some open time so I can get the car to the body shop and get it done, my insurance will cover it since it's a comprehensive claim they'll do it for free.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
just get a panel and replace... i hardly ever deal with body shops nemore... not worth the money... and the estimates are never close and in the end your vehicle is considered totaled for a busted door and fender... True story... i was quoted $1000 for a back door to my parents minivan... slapped a used one on for $75
My insurance company is going to cover it so I'm not over concerned with it.

2009 Ford Mustang V6