yeah... its in the shop again for anther accident... once again not my fault. i have the worst luck with this car. a truck on the freeway had unrestrained wood on it. 2 pieces of plywood and a 2x4 flew off and hit my car. front bumper, hood, headlights, wipers, and windsheilf are all damaged pretty bad. the 2x4 hit the bottom center of my windsheilf and put a hole in it. im actually very furtunate that i didnt get impailed by it. my buddy scott has pictures on his camara so ill try to get some posted up soon. not sure if they're going to total it out or not at this point, but i imagine it will be fixed since most of the damage is to bolt on parts that can be easily replaced. the only reason it could possibly be totalled is because it was sooo close to being totalled last time, that if the accumulative damage from last accident and this one is too much, they might just total it... b/c of the last accident. at this point though it sounds like it will be getting fixed again.
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did you get the guy that lost the wood ??
sucks man
yeah he tried to get away but i caught up with him. his insurance is bending over backwards to fix the car. i think they're trying to avoid a lawsuit. they're paying for everything, including a rental car. they will be repainting the front bumper, buying and painting a new hood, installing new wiper arms and blades, replacing the windsheild and seal, and are even going to redo my custom black headlights since they;'re damaged also. they even offered to buy a new ECOTEC sticker to replace the one on the hood, lol.
Obsessive Behavior of Columbus - Forums - SIGN UP!
gawd dam that got screwed up
any faster or harder and it would went through the window or through the hood
dang man. that really sucks.. there really trying to avoid a lawsuit if their taking it as far as making sure ur custom headlights get redone and then u also get a replacement sticker lol. But sucks man, hope u get ti fixed up and perty.
sucks. dont get totalled. i like my twin.
Damn Adam! I'm glad everything is all fixed now. It would be nice to hear from you sometime, or well text since I never can get you on the phone.