Here's where they took a screw driver and tried to pry the window. Got damage on the plastic and the weather stripping.
Doesn't that look so beautiful?
$390 Canadian and one day's work missed (so add that to the list these guys cost me) later, there's a new window put in. 10 cars got hit in the underground parking last night, I lost my wallet (stupid enough to think it was safe in locked underground parkling) and my digital camera. These pics were taken with my wife's camera. Nothing else got nicked, since I don't keep anything of value in the car, but last night I forgot both of these since I've been exhausted.
There's glass slivers everywhere, and won't come out of the Sunfire seat that's in the back. It got all over the baby seat too. I'll put back the GT rear seat this weekend, cus there's no way we're getting the glass out of the one that's there now. Tint made it hard for the f****** to get in the car, and the cops got some great prints off that and some of the other cars, so I'm hoping they burn in hell. Tomorrow the tint goes back on the rear window, it looks like crap without it. What gives these a******* the right?

97 Sunfire GT
Check out my cardomain page
10 cars in an underground parking lot? Geez, you'd figure that an underground lot (I'm guessing at work) would have security or sometime of monitor system. My friend's fiance works at a credit company, and in a "security monitored" parking garage, someone stole the antenna right off her 04 Cavy, lol. Some people...
It could have been an inside job 10 cars and not one guard heard anything??? Thats bull sh!t imo.
<img src="http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/8623/redlssportsig3vj.jpg">
10 cars? that's unheard of, this isn't hollywood. Either someone was sleeping on the job or someone was keyed in on it.. it's just too strange that nobody would notice these 10 cars hit. assuming that they were all hit at the same time.

Forever a work in Progress