well, always hoped i could avoid this section of jbo but no luck. I went to a MN j-body meet, mostly cause i was picking up a body kit for my cavi and we had just left a car show (where MN-j's took best team turn out) and we were going down the hwy at 55mph i bealive...well about 12 cars up a lady in an suv cut us off and everything came to a dead stop, everything that is except for the car behind me
96 cavi'/WI j's
and then the car pushed ya into me.....still have yet to go to the body shop.
glad your alright! car looks pretty bad
hope ya trade the kit back for your money....if the kit isn't damaged
well i just bought it from lambocav....the back was on....key word being WAS, so no luck on getting that $ back
96 cavi'/WI j's
now if we can get pics of weebels car too.
i was the lucky one. only some scuffs and a small crack on the rear bumper. oh and my license plate was bent every which way.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
in the top pic you can see weebel's car on the right. i cant figure if i wanna kit my car now or do i wanna keep it stock
no that isnt weebles car...thats a cutless ..weebles was 2 cars to the right of mine...i took a couple pics of it but for some reason i didnt get them back
96 cavi'/WI j's