The Pics posted in the link below are of my car. I was getting ready to get the rest of the kit put on when it arrived from Gravana, now I have to get this fixed first. I was travelling home from college when a girl rear ended me. I was going about 5 miles an hour because of stopping traffic, she was going 45. The graphix were going to change this weekend, a lot of good stuff was going to happen this weekend. I now sit here waiting for the police report to file a claim to her insurance company. The worst part of this situation is that she told me that her car just came out of the shop a week ago, for the SAME INCIDENT! Stress level increased 10x. When the cop arrives, I had to pull my license plate from my car because it was knocked off. The officer asked "Why Haven't I got that fixed?" "Huh.... it happened like 10 minutes ago maybe!!
Any who, check it out, hopefully they won't total it. I had awesome plans for it too.
hmm good luck --- FYI -> our crash ratings suck
Thanks, I found that out the hard way yesterday.
only the side impact got a bad raiting....which is what happend to you lol.....but yea at least you got hit by another small car and not a F-350 superduty it could of been alot worse
is her insurance paying for it?
damn dude that sucks.. this should have gone under jacked wrecked though... but good luck man looks expensive
1 star side impact is not bad --- at least it shows GM was not too scared to show up
if that's not totalled, i'd be really surprised... good luck with it though.
cannon fodder wrote:if that's not totalled, i'd be really surprised... good luck with it though.
Same here. I got whacked in the back by a 95 Hyundai Elantra last month. I was at a stand still and the guy was doing between 45 & 55 when I caught him.
VERY similar to yours. The Claims estimate fro me was $5,457.82, so they totaled the car.
I ended up with an '04 'Fire out of the deal (which took $50 a month off my insurance

) None the less, good luck.
I guarantee that's totaled. With the rear fender bent like that, and the inside of the trunk all crinkled like that.... start looking for a new ride.
quarter panel=total. thats welded, cost a buttload of labor to have that fixed. plus your bumper, its supports, interior panels, no way its not totaled. better start finding stock parts before the insurance company takes it from you!!
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
importfightercavalier wrote:damn dude that sucks.. this should have gone under jacked wrecked though... but good luck man looks expensive
what do u think its under dip@!#$?
Brandon I think the post was originally in a different forum, it was moved here. When threads are moved theres no way to tell.
Well I got my car fixed. I took it to the estimator and he said about 3316 to fix. I then took it to the dealership body shop, they told me it was totalled. Never the less Took it to a friend of mine's father's best friend. He fixed it for 2900. I got a RKSPORT Type J Rear end installed and save me 400 on the repair.
Glad to see it worked out for you.