they didn't take anything all they did was disconect my subs. i was looking around forever trying to find something but they didn;t take anything which is crazy someone must have came by and they ran but i am really lucky!!!
yeah that is why i moved to a different parking lot a more secure one
how did they break in?
broken window? broken lock?

'99 2200 LS CX1 Sport
careful, they may be back..
may? they will be back. if they didnt get it the first time, now there determined more than ever to get what they wanted the first time.
id take everything out
and make it look like someone stole it
this way when they come back , they will think they are to late
a girl i work with had some guys try to steal her radio , and she scared them away from her car , she went to the store and wasnt inside more than 10 minutes , came out and her car was gone
I'm with him ^^^
100% they will be back. Take everythign outta your car NOW! Like get up right now and bring everythign in your house. Honestly, I would even leave the back seat folded down so they can see theres nothing in there. And I'd say keep it out for a little while too.
You got lucky, but learn from it.
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"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin