There are a lot of Cavaliers that run at Grandview Speedway in the NEETS Enduro series and are having a lot of overheating problems. Most run some form of shaker screen and have the fan wired on but are still having problems. I blew the head gasket twice this season and don't want to do it again. Anybody have a cure to share?
I also have a first generation cav that doesn't have a problem.
Kenny "Poppop" Brown
It's a 1998 2.2 SFI with a 3 speed automatic.
Kenny "Poppop" Brown
Check your coolant cap see if its holding pressure, i had an overheating problem like that, built the engine it was still overheating, pressure checked the coolant cap and it wouldnt hold pressure, also had it happen to a few customers cavaliers and sunfires that ive worked on
Erik Packard
Run some of this product called water weter you put it in your rad and it keeps the temperature down alot. Thats what I use on my enduro races.
Remember when sex was safe and racing was dangerous
Remove all the heater lines. (if you didn't already) Make sure you remove the metal tube one in front of the motor w/ the air vent. top off water, get it up to temp and then open the air vent on the water housing outlet (right side of motor) till just water comes out no air. I run a 180 thermostat, and never run over 200. I also run my thermostat in that housing w/ the air vent, don't remember if yours is there or at the water pump? I also went to the junk yard and found this thin, light plastic air scoop from a 2000's ish Pontiac Grand prix, it mounts behind the bumper and scoops under the bumper. You just need to trim it up a bit and rivet on.
I didn't see a vent on the outlet housing but I can put a hole in the top of it and just tap it for a pipe plug or bleeder valve.
Kenny "Poppop" Brown
OK, lets see if we can make some sense of this. I ran a 150 lap enduro on Sunday in my 87 cav. It's got a 2.0 and automatic in it. For about 80 laps it never went over 215 but I guess it was picking up some dirt by then and started getting hotter. I decided to let it get to 230 and in a short time it obliged. As soon as it got over 230 I pulled in to the infield and let it cool and then it went back to 230. I guess the big question is how darn hot can you run it without any consequences?
Kenny "Poppop" Brown