Well, I've been quiet over the last couple of years, but for good reason. I've saved up my pennies over the past 2 years in order to do some big things to ZDD. I've been really enjoying driving the car, everything is solid, it drives amazing, comfortable, sounds great.. and of course when all that's happening I continue to tinker to make it better for me.
I've always had a vision for the car, and I thought I met that vision.. but as I continue to tinker, I add, and add and add...
The new things I've been doing takes quite a bit of planning and preparation... so I've been taking my time and not rushing it. One thing at a time.
The unveiling for 2013 will accomplish a lot of what I've been wanting to do over the past 2 years, in preparation for engine work. The 2.4 still has lots of life left in her right now, and I plan to drive it until the time is right.
Anyway, below are some teaser pics of what I've been up to this past summer. If you look closely, you can tell the area's of where the work was done. I had a budget with Vince, and he went beyond expectations. The work truely compliments what was done 2 years ago, and Vince really has stepped up his quality and skill.
I call this... the Apocalypse !
Just an Idea where, and how....
Stay Tuned.....
unreal dude. cant wait to see it in person.
DDdaammnnnn..That shyt is sick bro!! The car is nuthing but WIN and with the added airbrushing its just gonna be a rolling peice of art work!!! Beautiful car bro!!!
Mind Blown!!! Nice piece of ART, can no longer call this a car.
You know what part im waiting for in 2013

Looks amazing though for sure!
whoever does your paint/ airbursh needs a medal......very nice
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
He does really great work. Pays attention to the small details.
It sucks that many of you wont be able to see the car in person, as pictures don't allow the quality to stand out as it does when seeing it in person.
Maybe sometime I'll take really good high quality detail pictures of area's on the car.
thanks again for the comments.
That's seriously @!#$ awesome. I really want to see the whole thing. Whoever your guy is does amazing work. I'd be too afraid to damage the paint to drive something like that very often.
2010 Honda Fit LX
Matt is that Big Poppa (Vince's) work???
watch for flying sparks!!!
boostNbags wrote:Matt is that Big Poppa (Vince's) work???
No, Vince Goodeve from Canada,
His website is majorly out of date lol
Couple of youtube videos of him and his work.
The devils own bike was done just before he painted grim reaper and archangel michael. I actually installed that gas tank.. talk about being nervous.
He made the comment to me, that the new work he did on my car, put him into a new level of artwork and skill. He took everything he learned through out his years and put it on my car.
I video taped the unveiling when he showed me the work on saturday.. 20min video of me speechless.
That is something to admire!I can only imagine what it looks like in the real.Great is a understatement.
and that one project that we were talking about that one time that one day
I'll say this: I was actually disappointed when you put the first round of airbrushing on your car. I liked the clean look before.
However, the artwork you're going with looks phenominal, and I think I'll come around to liking it over the whole car.
Holly F bud, hands down beautiful work.
How have you been doing? The car has come such a long way and she's looking simply amazing!
I need to see this car in person one more time!!!!!
I need a new sig.
Atta boy Matt, solid build buddy!
do people park next to you anymore?

Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:do people park next to you anymore?
^^ lol
I don't park beside people, and I'm that guy that will take as many spaces as I can at the back of the lot.
the car is now parked, and I am detailing it all this winter, and I haz front and rear big brakes now
Saw it in person just after he got it. There are no words to describe how amazing it looks.

Lovin your car man. Keep up the phenomenal work!