That's a pretty clean '94 there. Nice start!

the 94 is identical to my first car.
looks like the paint and/or clear was sprayed bad on the passenger rear quarter and possibly the passenger front quarter and driver quarter
not too bad though
Man, those are some nice looking Sedans! I am uber jealous though that the 'bird seems to have no rust whatsoever. I wish I could say the same for mine

. I can't wait to see what you and your friend have in store. Keep up the good work. You are both on the right path to having some very clean, subtle Pontiac Sedans!
thanks guys... i know the fenders arent great... but they will do for now... i only painted the front fenders... the rear quarter was like that when i bought the car...
and my buddy has put a lot of blood sweat and tears into that car with the body work... trust me... it didnt always look that good...
cant wait to get my z'r hood and front bumper. duuude. you need to get me som,e riiiiiiiiims haha

hook a brotha up!
im trying im trying... calm down... i told you id see what i could do... patience man!