<3 still sexy

Member of J-body of Michigan.
That Sir...is beautiful!!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
stock is where it's at.

Riddle me this... riddle me that...
My god thats clean! Nice!
Now thats what makes me want to go and get a cavi with the ecotec. Nice @!#$n car!!! Now start working on that engine!
GMR has got nothing on this
Dude, get that sticker off the windshield, seriously, go outside right now, and take it off.
Thanks guys I appreciate it
03ecols 5 spd wrote:Dude, get that sticker off the windshield, seriously, go outside right now, and take it off.
I think meguiars sent him a bunch of @!#$ so thats why he has it on there.

JBOK.org / J-Bodies of Kentucky
1DirtyJ wrote:03ecols 5 spd wrote:Dude, get that sticker off the windshield, seriously, go outside right now, and take it off.
I think meguiars sent him a bunch of @!#$ so thats why he has it on there.
hehe Everything that was used to clean the car.. soap,3 step wax, tire shine, and some microfiber was all free
Thats awesome. I just got into meguiars site and learning how to do all this detailing stuff. I got some #7 Polsh, #26 Tech Wax and some other stuff.. gonna need some ScratchX or maybe something a little tougher to get some of the deeper contaminants out then it will be looking good.

JBOK.org / J-Bodies of Kentucky
wow thats clean! is that busy woods? nice pics and location
Stock '00
2200 cavy
Juan Chavez wrote:wow thats clean! is that busy woods? nice pics and location
Nope, just a small park I found out in the middle of no where lol its close to NIU though
Thanks again
where did you get the CF panel on your door...
This car screams SEX!!! Nice job and keep it clean!
fn clean i love white cavys

13.1 @ 115
I like it!! Don't get me wrong, but it feels like it's missing something :S
Looks amazing ken, i love everything about this car.
wanna clean mine? looking good man.
just needs a set a rims..............
WiGM-Tuners member.
Mmmmmm that car is so clean!! Clean white cavs is where its at
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
Completely perfect..Love it