the sunfire finally died so bye bye to the 2200 ohv. ive been wanting to do the ecotec swap for a while i was waiting for the car to finally breakdown so that i would have a reason to do the swap i still have a lot of parts to get im trying to take my time and do it right the first time.
parts i still need
cv axles
cooling hoses
power steering pump
clutch master cylinder
wireing harness with abs
ac compresservacum lines
ignition controller
tranny mounts
i plan on getting the transmission and hopefully all the rest of the parts to on the 17 the wrecking yard is workin me a deal
they are processing an 04 cavaleir and ill be getting all my parts from it i cant wait!!
until then i get to use up what dynamat i have left
im going to try and take a bunch of pictures as i finis the swap
heres te first sot of the eco 21000 miles
the old ohv107893 miles
fresly pressure washed
my mess
manual sifter installed

mounts waiting to go in
Dude, that is the wrong manual shifter. That is for the 95-99 Isuzu, you need the 2000+ getrag shifter and cables.
gtpsunfire wrote:Dude, that is the wrong manual shifter. That is for the 95-99 Isuzu, you need the 2000+ getrag shifter and cables.
This is what you need buddy.
Everything for an eco manual swap!
i need more updates!!! particularly of the manual swap
center console looks good, and yeah... more pics of the swap
if ur swapping to manual tranny, just be aware that ur car doe not have a motor mount that it will need. the auto's are bolted to the frame and the manuals are WELDED to the frame
That's going to be hot when it's all done man! Interiors looking good!! Keep us updated man!
been at a stand still ive been waiting for the junkyard to pull there heads out of there asses they tell me it will be ready saturday so i call before i go in and they tell me they took the wrong car apart and now they have the right one on the rack and it wont be ready till tomarrow so ill have picks of me picking everything up hopefully.
dose anybody have the link to the write up that DaFlyinSkwirl did that has the passlock relearn steps and everything in it for the eco swap i found it ounce before but cant seem to again.
heres the truck all loaded up i guess junkyards here in oregon are asking for cores now so bye bye to old parts plus they buy batteries to
Did you happen to catch the part about the shifter. you have the wrong shifter to work with the transmission your getting. also the Trans mount. once you take you your auto mounts you HAVE to WELD in the mount for the Manual transmission. i am pretty sure you can either drill out the spotwelds from the car your cetting the trans and whatnot from and just weld it back in to your car. OR you can buy the mount from and then weld that one in. either way. your not gonna mount that manual withought the mount.
^^yes i did a how to in the tranny forum..
yeah i caught the part abought the shifter being the wrong one as soon as i read read that i did a homer doh and then i went out there a pulled it.
well i called the junkyard yet again this morning and the guy at the desk tells me that none of his dissmantalers came in this morning i think im either being dicked around or the yards here have a real bad problem with lazyness!!!!!! i didnt think the yard would be lazy when im trying to spend $750 as soon as these guys learn what there doing ill posts picks of everything.
well i didnt get my parts today ill give them till next saturday to get there act together only because i cant get the same parts for this cheap else where. i really hope soon my truck dosent run as well as it use to and the gas mileage is killing me. but i got the blue paint from autozone
i dont see why the junkyard is haveing a problem with giveing me my parts
^^^^ so uh... were do you live again bro?? lol...
im out in brownsville oregon and i am offically picking the rest of my parts up today i had to go in there and force them to start on the car so ill post up pics when i get the chance i dont see myself putting down the tools once ive started i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck Man
but you will Love the Ecotec i know i do
Loving it. Nice work ^^ I'd love to get my hands on a 99-ish vert and do the eco swap.
Keep in mind that you will need the dash harness aswell if you are doing a 5 speed swap.
The switch that goes on the clutch, plus the steering column will have to be changed since there is a cable that goes from the ignition for the neutral safety. I had to replace all this when I did a 5 speed eco into an auto 98 Cav.