i picked these up as i was leaving the Toronto Autoshow on sat

i still have a little bit of work left to do on them but they are almost in
where are my headlights?
oh there they are
and 1 more for fun
man i miss it, i took her for a quick drive and damn she is faster then i remember, i cant wait for the other new thing, but that is for another day
Always liked this car....!!
How much were the seats at the show?
300 cdn no tax
i bought a set of tunerfx ones a week or 2 ago and for the same price plus tax they were complete @!#$ so i took them back and when i saw these and fell in love with them when i sat down, and the quality is pretty good on them, much better then the other ones
Looking good.
Im liking the headlights and corners.
not sure if you know it or not, but your car is in Project Car tuner No 5 (March/April) Congrats!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, February 24, 2008 8:21 PM
seriously, thats 2 in the last month, thanks man
it was also in the modified readers rides issue
i will have to see if i can find that issue, its not a easy mag to find up here
thanks darren, but i think i accidentally copied someone else on here
seen your car in modified mag! sweet ish man!
WI-Jtuners member
cars looking hot...now get that thing out of the snow!
seats are sick... cant wait to see it all together...
she is back in the garage, but the roads were clear so it wasn't so bad
Clear of snow, the salts not gone yet, guaranteed!
That car is so sick though! Need pics of the lights installed! Did she not have amber corners/black housings before?
she had amber corners but that was it, then they started to look like @!#$ so i went back to stocks
but all they needed was a few more coats of the metalcast and they looked way better
and besides the car has a ton of under coating on it so as long as i wash it before it really starts to heat back up then she is fine, but i plan on washing it soon