engine and tranny together
remove the rear bracket careful not to damage or cut in to frame
remove all 2.4 wire harness
install getrag shift assembly and istalled getrag master cylinder assembly
wating for its new heart
nice lift

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Nice pictures...... but until i see you in the pictures, how do i know you just didn't copy those off google image search or have your mechanic take them? We need to see you inside the engine bay with grease on your hands.
Why dont you have to replace the front mount? phil
BlackEco wrote:Nice pictures...... but until i see you in the pictures, how do i know you just didn't copy those off google image search or have your mechanic take them? We need to see you inside the engine bay with grease on your hands.

Hes right! We need a time and date written on the camera lens too, dont be sneaky like aaron and act like you did your own work!

clean that new heart up a little bit while its out of the body
For the person asking about the front mount, you dont need to get rid of that, just modify it. I just did the getrag swap into my 97 and thats what I did.