Well, back in the states after another great trip in the great white north... Had another blast. Everyone is so much fun up there. I didn't even get to check into the hotel before I had people trying to put a beer in my hand... Got to love that Canadian beer! Yeah, Saturday it may have rained, but nobody can control the weather. It's all about having fun with friends, right. And that's exactly what we did. Again, thanks for hosting such a fun event. Definitely is my favorite every year. Hope to see everyone again soon.
The pictures:
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
good looking pics man
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Someone got caught playing pocket pool!
he must have just walked by this:
Nice pictures. Looks like an awesome turnout. How many cars/people showed up?
very nice pics Ian, that camera quality is miny
how was the drive home?
god damn thats a nice ass....
good pics ian...
"ian lacey's autograph - priceless" hahaha

Yikes..........thats a nice ekset sticker...i meean.......

*************Yea i spell liek wrong get over it*****************
** If i write in caps its cause im @ work and i can only write in caps cause the keyboard is a retarded CAPS only keyboard.**
Not too many sedans from what it appears to have showed up... i only counted like 2 hand fulls at most. Looks like i will need to get up there for next years.
Looks like you fun....
and yes that is a nice ass!
Nice pics Ian, wish I coulda gone. Tell the wife I said hi.

(Old School Vet)
"I was gone for a minute, but now I'm back..."
Kevin, man, you would have had a blast partying at the hotel...
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.