helll nnn yea just mee and the click lol
rick rossss,,
see us this saturday to super summmit yu goota come down big ass show,,,,,,
i mean biggg..
so grab your big ballin cavs suns, and come down saturday,,,,, this sat. june baby.....
thanx mike for tyhe pictures my camreas dead to i charge.
nice man. u have any more pics at all?
jason mcdaniel wrote:helll nnn yea just mee and the click lol
rick rossss,,
whip it, whip it, real hard - whip it, whip it, real hard.
Godspeed wrote:lower that car!!!!!! lol
yeh get it on the ground ASAP!
but looks good.. looks like it was a fun show too.
nice pics
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
dayum...didnt' know summit had something going on there..crap hahhaa..car looking good man.
Unfortanitely mine won't be out for looong time.

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
Not bad at all but how do you open the doors?

The other ones paint is sick! The amount of work that went into that must have taken forever. But its still tooo busy looking like they never quite figured out where they were going with the painting.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Need more angles of J. McDaniels car.
more pics of the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more more more more
sorry i just love the new car
more pics of the blazer if you have them plz
ahhhhhh thats better
ver y nice pics and the car is looking great!
wow, that green cavalier (seamless), insane. Love it!! Just fix the interior please!
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier SOLD | 2002 BMW 330i SOLD | 2004 BMW 645i
youre welcome for naming your car
i like the dash man...I know the 2 tvs would have been great and all, but for your overall ride, the tvs on the dash would have been too much, and it would have ruined the clean look.
very nice, and I must say...damn you moved FAST!!!!!!!
that car is screaming for bags. theres just as much about it that i love, i also hate. so giving my opinion would be somewhat neutral lol
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn

absolutely beautiful
one question how the hell due you get in this car, duke of hazard style ?
^^^yep i would see no other way too lol
i love the car tho, it's awsome