rksport IF front cut for 2000+ headlights
rksport type-j sides (yes i have the door peices)
rksport type-j rear bumper
starts the flamming on no motor pics

1998 cavalier z24 (track) --------------------- www.cardomain.com/id/krazycav
1996 cavalier 2.2 (beater) -------------------- www.cardomain.com/id/krazycav
Don't be full of yourself, we no longer care.
Kit will ruin the clean exterior of your car, but it's not a "purtrack" car anyhow so I suppose it doesn't matter.
thanks i counted on you to to say somthing like that

1998 cavalier z24 (track) --------------------- www.cardomain.com/id/krazycav
1996 cavalier 2.2 (beater) -------------------- www.cardomain.com/id/krazycav
Why dont u post the pics after its installed?
1996 Chevrolet Cavalier SOLD | 2002 BMW 330i SOLD | 2004 BMW 645i
purtrack: do you have finished pics of your fiberglass sub box?
StikiGreenZ wrote:Why dont u post the pics after its installed? 
b/c he's excited and wanted to share.
some people need to grow up........ stuff looks good dude post some pics when you get that stuff on lol are you keeping the color the same or painting somthing else?
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
sweet man.
keep the progress pics coming
keeping it kinda the same color making it a couple shaed darker and a @!#$ load of pearl into it
thanks guys with the good comments

1998 cavalier z24 (track) --------------------- www.cardomain.com/id/krazycav
1996 cavalier 2.2 (beater) -------------------- www.cardomain.com/id/krazycav
im just curious as to why you dont snap a pic of the motor just to shut people up?
WOW, that really reminds me of my old cavy. It started the same color green, then i got the Type-J sides and rear and an IF front and painted it orange.

Ahh the memories, but it looks good!
1 HOT Z (Mark A) wrote:WOW, that really reminds me of my old cavy. It started the same color green, then i got the Type-J sides and rear and an IF front and painted it orange.
Ahh the memories, but it looks good!
when i saw the side and rear i though of your old car lol
Z24 Cardomain Site ll
ZQ8 Car Domain Site
themarin8r wrote:im just curious as to why you dont snap a pic of the motor just to shut people up?
We all know why
Anyways, when you decide to sell the bodykit again, let me know what you want for the front bumper.
yea i want that front so bad
is this the guy who lied about his SC
what the hell is your deal do you want people to flame you. do you realize that if you dont say anything most people wont rember?
but Im not going to say anything becuase I going to give my flame to JOE.
joe feel free to flame him for me.

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
Looks good, want to see finshed pics, the paint you described sound like it will be different but nice......
dirty elf: You say you want that bumper so bad, well just rememeber I want your stock one if you do get it or any kit, I got dibs alright?...........lol

I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
Jcavi (JoeDM in training) wrote:is this the guy who lied about his SC
what the hell is your deal do you want people to flame you. do you realize that if you dont say anything most people wont rember?
but Im not going to say anything becuase I going to give my flame to JOE.
joe feel free to flame him for me.
Sorry going to have to let this one go, he's made a fool out of himself already.
Summary, puts car up for sale with not many mods, hackjob intake...next week he's keeping it and it has every RSM engine mod available, including the RSM/Vortech S/C....I call him out. He posts video of him revving his stock engine down some road, no S/C to be heard. No proof yet, no pictures. He puts on a black trunk for that "carbon fiber look" but he has the real thing.....also plans on putting on a black hood? Now he buys a bodykit for his stock kitted track car which he swore would remain as is exterior wise.
I'm not trying to pick on him, but come on now......don't play us as idiots either.
If its "purtrack" then why are you putting a body kit on it?
maybe because he wants to
maybe he also wants to put on a custom intake and altezzas like you.
i would only install the IF front and thats it.
Jay wrote:maybe he also wants to put on a custom intake and altezzas like you.

maybe my intake is custom because i built it, and tailights i happen to like so i dunno...... or maybe he wants his car to look just like yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or not.