I posted pics from my spring break mods... These are with the 18s on and the vent visors removed.
Before you reply saying I should do stuff... It is going to be lowered. it is going to be tinted. I am not removing the fog lights. I am getting mirrors, fenders, and a new paint job eventually (this year sometime) and will be installing Lambos soon.
That car is so hot.. Love everything but the wheel gap.
Looks sweet bro..
I see you got the Summit Back bumper...got any more pictures?

www.teamexoticimage.com / myspace.com/02on19s
I've got a few more, but none as recent. Much more will be posted in the next day or two once I clean up the engine bay and interior (winter sucks!)
Very hott ride..just some suggestions here, 95-99 toyota tails, lower it at least 1.8', and paint ur handles n mirrors. but even rite now it looks sweet, nice job man keep it up.
Lookin good.
About your future plans though, stay stock on the fenders, it looks better that way
But I can get a set of metal Z3s for $90... why not go for it?
I like how you painted the sides on the spoiler black.... looks like someones I know..
<a href="http://www.ontariofires.com"><img src="http://www.ontariofires.com/viral/viralsig.jpg" border="0"><a>
Craig, keep your fenders. Please!

Portage, MI
stock fenders for sure craig. cant wait to see the lambos on.
looks really good, needs painted handles and id say lose the side moldings if youre not too worried about getting nailed. i love the looks of the back though... its so clean
<IMG SRC="http://webpages.sdsmt.edu/~1272797/doodsig26wa.jpg">
Looks good, keep you stock fenders.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
I think I'll follow the group consensus about the fenders. That'll also save me money. And with not buying the fenders I can order the struts and lower my car that much sooner...
Thanks for all the positive comments.
hahah when i first saw those pics of your car...it for some odd reason reminded me of virals sunfire...hmmmmm.....anotha brotha from a different motha!!!
nice car though...just needs a drop and be all set...back looks a lil weird to me but 2thumbs up thouh.

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
Car looks awesome , and im loving the rims

What side skirts are those?