How can i take the steering wheel of my 98' cavalier with out blowing out the air bag. I looked around the steering column and i didn't see any screws. So i didn't @!#$ with it. (Can any body know how)
yea theres plenty of write ups. first you disconnect the negitive terminal on the battery and pull the air bag fuse. a steering wheel puller is required to remove the wheel.
where can i find a steering wheel puller at cant i just rip the air bag out and there should be a bolt holding it out isn't there. Cause i have another steering wheel to put on it
most parts stores sell or rent a puller
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
are you putting a cavalier wheel back on? or going aftermarket?
you have a steering wheel hub right?
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
After removing the negative battery terminal, there are two bolts on the back of the steering wheel(10mm I believe).
I can post a pic if you'd like.
<img src="">
- putting the pieces back together -
i forgot i had a steering wheel puller and bought i have 2....doh. the only problem i had was removing that dang tilt wheel lever.
i forgot i had a steering wheel puller and bought i have 2....doh. the only problem i had was removing that dang tilt wheel lever.
The tilt wheel lever is just a simple screw in piece. At least thats how it is on the 97 cavalier I have.
i had to use a vise-grip and just rip it off...sanded it down alittle to get the grooves from the vise off and put it back on.
There's 4 tabs in the back of the stock wheel that hold the air bag on man. After that's off the rest is simple. One big ass bolt to remove LOL.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I am having the hardest time on the final step the steering wheel puller. I stripped the smaller bolts and now I will be using a tap to make the holes larger to get the damn wheel off. It's on there pretty good and i'm tired of beating on it and yanking. I did see someone say they did not need a puller, I would like to see an example where it would have to be "hit" to not need a puller. Any help is appreciated.