I have had no luck searching the forum. I want to put an aftermarket steering wheel in my sunfire but i dont know what adapter i need. so if anyone could tell me i would appreciate it.
^^^ could you be a little more specific.... I was wondering the same thing but don't quite get what you mean.
heres an example of a 5 hole wheel like you would use with a Grant hub adaptor...notice 5 mounting holes
and heres an example of a 6 hole wheel used with the Momo hub....notice 6 mounting holes
5 holes - Grant part number 3196
6 holes - Momo part # 2401

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They are also the same hub for many many j-body years correct?
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
i say yes, but others disagree that the momo doesnt work on 03-05.....yet i have one on my 03.
my guess is those people are doing something worng
lol ok
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
Sweet.. thanx joey...
Do you need to use a wheel puller on our cars?
I'll be OK once I fiqure out how to remove the airbag and how to make the horn keep working I quess..
Hopefully I can fiqure out where to solder the the 2.2ohm 1/4watt resister.
you're definately going to need a wheel puller. but you can rent them for free from autozone or advanced auto...or buy one for like $12
the airbag removal is really easy....the horn however...not so much, lol
order a hub for a 94 cavalier.., what i had to do for my grant wheel. and 94 cause 94 cavs dont come with airbags
wckdfire wrote:order a hub for a 94 cavalier.., what i had to do for my grant wheel. and 94 cause 94 cavs dont come with airbags 
what does that have to do with anything? you have to remove the airbag regardless of year
Joey Baggs (Eazy716) wrote:wckdfire wrote:order a hub for a 94 cavalier.., what i had to do for my grant wheel. and 94 cause 94 cavs dont come with airbags 
what does that have to do with anything? you have to remove the airbag regardless of year
because i tried ordering a hub for my 99 fire through keystone and they said they couldn't sell me one cause there is some law in the u.s that it is illegal to take the air bags out of a air bag equipped car. just what ive heard, even on the grant website it says that these products are not for vehicles with airbags etc. and also if you search for parts for a 95 and up j-body it comes up with nothing, however for a 94 cav it comes up with the hub adapter. and a a 2ng gen and 3rd gen have same spline. cause my buddy put his 93 wheel in his 3rd gen.
I have heard of people having porblems like that.
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
never heard of anyone having an issue with something like that.
sndsgood wrote:kinda dumb on keystones part. the box should state its for off-road use only keystone wouldnt have any liability really.
thats what i was thinking.....since almost any part we put on our cars has that same disclaimer
When I bought my header... it had that plastered on the box too..... thats a pretty common thing to see.
btw... has anyone ever bought one of those autozone sttering wheels before? Are they as cheap as they seem to be or is it just my imagination? I can't remember what brand they are.... Pilot or APC I think.
never used one myself, but for what they charge you, you can get something a little better online.
the ones i commonly see there are Pilot, APC, and Grant wheels
its really upto what you like in the design of it. Some of them look decent IMO, but I personally would look around. Even when i bought my fake Bride wheel off ebay years ago, it held up well and i beat the hell out of it back then. I still have it laying around somewhere and its definately worth the $ i spent on it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:41 AM
i need to do this.how do you remove the air bag?
yea ive been looking too for a 'how to' on a steering wheel swap. cant find anything really that good to help. does anyone have or can do a write up on a steering wheel swap, including what is needed, steps, and pics. that would be really helpful as well as appreciated!!
go to the grant web page look up the parts for a 94 cav then find one of the hub adapters click on it and there is a pdf you can open with instructions