ive been looking at some interiors and the dash is very well done,do i buy that or do it myself? if i do it myself how do i make it so shiny? and well done?i was thinking blue and white....thanks
In english please...............
A good friend will come bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying...'Damn, that was fun!
I took out my pieces, sanded sanded sanded sanded till it was smooth as my ass years ago...
2 primer coats, 3 Plastic paint colour coats and 2 automotive clear coats. Nice and shiny, nice and strong!
Take a look on here via searching... LOTS of directions on painting your dash!
Definitly DIY though!

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
the shiny dash is what i want mine looks like crap...
if your talkin about your dash pad. You have to remove your dash, rip all the padding off it, fiberglass it back up to thickness, then sand, primer, sand smooth, primer, paint, clear, reinstall. Not a very easy thing to do.
my entire interior is for sale, all sanded down and painted blue and black marble