Is there any way to put an aftermarket wheel in without the airbag light to come on in an 01?
is there anything else hooked in with the airbag fuse
^^^r u sure just pulling the fuse will turn the light off? i thought that just turns the power circuit to the airbags off. hence the need for a simulator.
If the fuse is pulled, the srs lite will come on.
it didnt for me. i just took the fuse out..... no more problems
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
what kit off of that website do you need, does anybody on here with an aftermarket steering wheel have one and have gotten the light to go off for sure
Pull the bulb. No more pesky light
Rice.....Part of a balanced Pontiac diet.
Or put a piece of electric tape behind the gauge piece
thats what I did anyway
91 Sunbird SSE wrote:Pull the bulb. No more pesky light 
It's not that easy. The "bulb" is a weird looking LED.
The cheapest way to get rid of it is to take the instrument cluster out. Gently peel back the overlay and stick a small peice of black electrical tape on the back of the overlay where it has the air bag symbol. No more lite.