I've got the typical early-90's GM headliner falling down problem and need to replace the fabric.
I've got some decent material on hand that looks pretty close to factory, but whats the prefered glue?
I did a 91 pontiac 6000 last summer and it turned out OK shape and adhesion wise, except the contact cement I used soaked thru the fabric and ended up showing very splotchy. It looked like hell (actually, it looks like an acid flashback

. I tried thinning and spraying the cement thru a windex-type bottle but all that did was clog the nozzle and creat thick globs and drips.
Any ideas? I've gone crazy looking for aerosol cans of contact cement but no luck so far.
Rice.....Part of a balanced Pontiac diet.
we got a can of "headliner adhesive" from autozone and have yet to have problems. our material is a heavy material too. i suggest that. i believe its in an orange can. good luck.

R.I.P. Kasey N. Burleson
I used the same stuff, it's Permatex Heavy Duty Headliner and Carpet Adhesive and it's only like 8 bucks. I used it on the visors and that worked good too. The key is to let it get tacky on both surfaces before you press it down.