I recently bought a 98 z24 with a bad motor, did an 01 motor swap. Now everything works on the car except i have no gauge lighting. Everything else on the cluster works, besides the lighting. I know alot of you guys have had your clusters apart. So can someone tell me which wire in the harness connector is for the lighting so i can try and trace the wiring. Thanks!
you probly have burnt bulbs ... look in the huge cluster forum for more help! but if you pop the bulbs out of the cluster and still all good its the larger one no the top of the cluster! hope it helps and more info just ask.
I checked every fuse and all the bulbs in the cluster. There all good.
its the larger one no the top of the cluster
Which color wire?
umm... if i had the cluster out i would be able to tell you... umm i should be able to get in there tomorrow and tell ya. hopefully you can wait that long...
Yeah i can wait. I'll be putting the radiator in the car and finishing up in the engine bay this morning. Let me know...
ok i think i still ahev the tool here! i forgot about it as i passed my dads shop

so ill try to see if have that tool if not i will run down there really quick so you can get the info neaded.
I have no instrument lighting or HVAC lighting. Anyone ever run into this? As far as the instrument lighting i have voltage up to the dimmer switch on a white wire and out of the dimmer switch on a green wire. After that it goes into a main harness making it damn near impossible to trace. As far as the HVAC i havn't tried to trace anything. Can someone with a dash cover off, please tell me which wire or pin on the instrument cluster is for illumination so i can make it work if i have to.
have you installed an aftermarket head unit?