Any sugestions for a DIY Battery cover and a fuse cover? What would be the best option for material? Can it be fiberglass? metal?
I already have a mold (cast) made of cardboard (it took me several hours and its perfect!) and I know the easisest, cheapest way would be to cover this cardboard mold with carbon fiber vynil but Im not sure if this will stand temperatures under the hood.
Since I want to do it right Im asking for suggestions for the best available material. I got nothing but time...
Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac...
Easiest way will probably be to cover your perfect mold with some fiberglass/resin and sand it smooth. You can get these covers made in metal, then you just have to get the battery post covers so they do not arc out.

this is what i made...
just cut it out of a piece of scrap aluminum i lying around. it was made specifically for my wide post optima red top battery.

I'm tired of wasting my time... now I'm breakin' free.