Talked to a couple guys at different shops about wheel balancing. Some said sticky weights b/c they can hide them and get a true multi point blance and then there are the regular pound ons which would be on installed the backside of the wheel instead of the front.
What kind of balancing are you guys getting?
the stick on ones that go on the inside
Stickies on my LS Sport wheels. They can be placed near the wheel center line for a better balance.
Static mount is the way to go... aka stick on.
You can dynamic balance sticky weights.
Personally I wouldn't have any wheels statically balanced.
If some of you don't know the difference.
Static= one set of weights placed in the center of the width of the rim.
dynamic= two sets of weights are placed. one on the outer and one on the inner.
Static balance is when the tire and wheel are balanced using a balancing device that does not rotate the wheel, hence the term, "static". In the past, a static balance used a simple bubble balancer. Add weights until the bubble is in the center and the tire is balanced. Dynamic balance is used almost universally today and employs a machine that rotates the wheel and tire and shows the tech where to place the weights. Because it rotates the tire and simulates normal road speeds, the rotating balance is called, "dynamic".
Lees description is pretty damn good, but static balancing can also be achieved today with the same type of balancers that dynamic is.
static balancing is ok depending on the situation. if some body has some banged up rims, static balancing can actually be better for them than dynamic.
static balancing eliminates tire hop, the movment of the tire vertically.
dynamic balance eliminates tire hop aswell, but it achieves a better balance by eliminating what i will call tire wobble. tire wobble is the movement or shift of the tire side to side.
dynamic balancing is the best option. if you are woried about the lip being damaged by the clip on weights then use stick ons. dyanmic can be achieved a few different ways.
Inside Outside
using both the clip ons i find gives a better, more accurate balance with the least amount of added weight to acheive it, but the stick ons are good too.

Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
My cousin used the stick on weights when he balanced my wheels. I think on one of them there is also a small pound on as well with the stick ons. I have been driving around for two days now and havent had any issues so i'm all good to go.