hey guys my fiance has a 2000 sunfire with 2.2 ohv and a 3 speed auto well yesterday we took her car out and drove all around with no issues then we stopped at a store.i came out started car put it in reverse and nothing.it will not move in reverse so i put it in neutral and try to push it nothing with it in neutral its almost like its in park.but it will move forward so i call a tow company well they show up and drag it backwards and even with a truck pulling it it just dragged the front tires they wouldn't spin.so i get it back home check stupid stuff like fluid and make sure the cable works all is good it will move in drive kind of if given quite a bit of gas but same thing.anyone know what this could be i really don;t know anything about trannys but i just don't get how poof it could just go no slipping no nothing drove there with out an issue then it just said no no.
"how do you get in"
I know you said you checked the cables.. but I would check this first...
on top of the transmission housing check the fork, the old plastic piece may have broken. You can move this fork up and down to shift through your gears, have someone start the car and hold the brake, change the gears and see if you can do it manually from on top of the housing.
Hope this helps bro.
yup so i just went out and ripped half the engine bay apart to get at it good and it moves fine and moves the shifter in the car and it will move forward in every gear except reverse and park but when u try to push it backwards the axles dont even twitch or move any backwards
"how do you get in"
ok correction in reverse they will spin forward with no issues
"how do you get in"