I keep hearing about how everyone HATES SPEC, and loves Bully and/or Clutchmasters. For those who want to make 275+ WHP, and don't want to spend 600 dollars on a clutch, are there any other alternatives? I have found that ACT makes a clutch, but after a few searches, I can't find a single person who has one.
Does anyone here have experience with ACT clutches?
And also, does anyone actually LIKE their SPEC clutch? Because it sounds like nobody does.
i love my spec clutch..ive installed one with every build and never had a problem..everyone i know around here thats boosted has used a spec sclutch and also had no issues....i dont see why everyone hates them so much
i have run spec stage one or two in all my j's ive had and my Prelude and my WS6
6 spec clutches with steady abuse and no faliures todate.
i have a 99 grand am auto ld9 that im working on now that is getting a getrag 5 speed and a gm supercharger.
i will not hesitate to put a spec stage 2 in it when the time comes.
i have no experience with the other brands mentioned.
just my .02

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
I have one Spec where at least one spring in the hub is about to come out. Not sure how the one in the car right now is but I cant wait to get rid of it.
My spec stage 2 has held up for quite some while on my sc'd eco.
But it does have personality, for example engagment points will switch back anfd fourth randomly. Maybe a couple times a week. And there is also a slight grinding sound when deceling in 5th gear (had since installed)
Well, I guess this is good to hear. I bought a SPEC stage 3 for my current build, which is probably gonna be on the street in the next month or so. I am glad some people have had a good experience. My friends with SPEC clutches (not in Cav's) love them. Maybe they are not as bad as people make them out to be.
mitdr774 wrote:I have one Spec where at least one spring in the hub is about to come out. Not sure how the one in the car right now is but I cant wait to get rid of it.
Check for input shaft play on the trans. Most of the time when springs pop out of the hub it is because the disc is spinning around like it should but because of shaft wear it's also flexing weakening the spring relieves. If there's play you're going to pop springs out of any hub.
I know I'm very guilty of hanging the trans off the input shaft during install which is bad.
I have a little input on SPEC...
previous owner installed a stage 2 and worked well, some slipage from time to time and inconsistant pedal feel/engagement. well now since I am going have some more power I brought my clutch into Lakehead Clutch & Brake (great company, look them up) had them test the pressure plate to see if it could hold the power. They called me the next day to tell me that the pressure plate was stock, thats right, STOCK CLAMPING FORCE! So they said the would put a second diaphragm in it to double the clamping force, so for a dual diaphragm pressure plate and a nasty 4 puck that will hold anything up to 500hp they only charged me $450.
So I then call SPEC...
"yes, can you tell me the stock clamping force of a 2002 Cavalier?"
"no sir, I do not know that information."
"ok, can you tell me the clamping force of your stage 2 clutch for that same car?"
"no sir, I cannot divulge that information to you"
he just kept saying that he cant tell me that information after that...never, NEVER, buying a Spec clutch...
i like my spec clutch but the reason you never hear it, is because no one will post i love my spec they will only post bad things
JBO since July 30, 2001
FstCavZ24 wrote:mitdr774 wrote:I have one Spec where at least one spring in the hub is about to come out. Not sure how the one in the car right now is but I cant wait to get rid of it.
Check for input shaft play on the trans. Most of the time when springs pop out of the hub it is because the disc is spinning around like it should but because of shaft wear it's also flexing weakening the spring relieves. If there's play you're going to pop springs out of any hub.
I know I'm very guilty of hanging the trans off the input shaft during install which is bad.
that clutch probably saw 3-4 transmissions. If the input bearing went by 10K miles (average life a a Getrag in that car) I would be really surprised. I never hang the trans off the clutch.