5spd. tranny shifting issues need help ASAP..... - Transmission Forum

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5spd. tranny shifting issues need help ASAP.....
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 1:30 PM
I have a '95 Cavalier with the 2.3 Quad in it. I recently put the rebuilt motor back in and put everything back together. Even bolted down the plate that holds the shifter cables on top of the tranny. Now i cannot even shift at all, even with the clutch pushed all the way to the floor. When i unbolt that plate and let it loose, it will let me shift fine, but that is without the pedal pushed in also. When starter was running, which is another topic, and let out pedal, car wanted to role like it was in gear, but shifter was in neutral position.

When i try to shift with that plate on, it seems the middle shifter cable under the shifter is stuck. Will not move at all. Any help?

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