well, today my car felt off, like it wasnt pulling hard like it should.....then im almost home and it feels great, like its advancing the timing, cause i can actually feel it gain power, like it will pull good, then it instantly gets a spurt of power that last till i let off the gas.....im stumped here, any ideas guys???
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
yeah that will cause all kind of gremlins
I dont think people relize what kind of strees A SC puts on the belts of an NA car
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! ![](/global/images/emoticons/jbo.gif)
Get a Gatorback if you dont already have one
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
it comes stock with a gater back belt.
check out your spark plugs, spark plug boots, and white IDI cover(no carbon tracking) to make sure they are ok.
maybe ur TPS sensor is goofy as some has said to be with the water injection( mine is fine )
maybe a belt.
o2 sensor any good? are you running a cat'?
keep us updated.
rapidfire 5's are going in this weekend, havent checked to see if there are any carbon deposts yet, might wanna do that eh? i dunno, im running the 2.3 tb with the 2.3 sensors and it idles perfect. others have told me to use the 2.4 sensors, but it idled up and down and would stall out alot......i have a bigger nozzle for the methanol injection, maybe it is the tps......how would i go about finding out if it is???
running a dynomax high flow cat, o2 sensor should be good, dont really wanna spend money on that till i have to lol....when i installed the header and cat i had a cel for about a day then it went away......and i had one misfire code, but it just gave the p0300, no specific cylinder misfire so i dunno......
the belt has a little damage, but i dont think it would cause it to slip, cause its just roughed up a little on the side of it maybe about 5 inches long......i can get pics if you want them lol....
ok well i checked my account balance and it seems i can get the plugs tomorrow and put them in, ill let you guys know if anything changes, thanks big time for the help guys......
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
tps- just take it off and look at it .
ya, swap out the plugs and see how it runs.
how many miles u have on the car? mine as well get new plug boots(20$ at a parts store) while u are in there.
If it is the tps, above 2500 rpm's should surge bad until you nail it. Below 2500 it should
be ok.
I swear, as loud as you are, you should be doing at least 200 mph.