any body have either low or high 9-3 saab manifold with turbo or without for sale
Check the classifides, it's not like they are there for this very reason or something.......
and i didn't find anything recent in the classifieds
If u still need i got 2 TD04HL-19T saab turbo to sell
with the complete stuff like the oil line and coolant with the exault manifold but not the downpipe because its useless
Marc-Antoine, do those 19T's have the same flanges as the stock saab turbos? Could I swap out my saab 14T for one of those with the same manifold and downpipe?
I have a while kit for sale. it comes to my phone
the saab turbo is NOT a 19T it is a 14t and i have a saab settup with the downpipe for sale pm me