Hey guys just wondering which ZZP Stage 3 H/E should I buy? The one for the cobalt or the ion? Does it make a difference?
Same car dude

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Same exchanger..but grab the cobalt one from zzp. I just picked one up and its a nice piece
They say on the site its specially made for the ion. I wonder what they modified?
Philly d did you notice a lot less power loss after you added it? Im running with no h/e atm and when you run the ac on a hot day it seems slower than before i supercharged it!
I havent installed it yet...but yes...when my iat's get into the 14's and up the power loss is very very noticable. To the point I dont bother going into boost 90% of the time
Like said, they are the same...I believe one just has a red zzp logo, and the other red. And yes, you'll notice a difference from no h/e to the s3. Even from a smaller h/e up to the s3 is a difference. Youll notice a big difference (if you're data logging) pulling away from a stop where you've been sitting and allowing IATs to rise..they'll taper off much quicker with the bigger h/e. Anything you can do to help keep IATs down is going to help keep power readily available. High IATs = pulled timing
the mounting on the h/ers is different from the cobalt to ion....ive heard the ion one mounts well to jbodies
EvoFire wrote:the mounting on the h/ers is different from the cobalt to ion....ive heard the ion one mounts well to jbodies
Maybe I should've gotten an Ion one then...kind of had to "persuade" the brackets on mine to fit well, lol.
So maybe I should get the ion one
Give it a shot.... worse case they are the same
Have you tested it yet? And were the exact things you bought? Lol Ill be needing to do the same things.
I'm still piecing together parts for adding my H/E. I have the I/C pump bracket and pump now. Next month I'll be ordering a zzp stage 3.
I personally got the cobalt s3...
Ill be installing mine the weekend of the 27th of july. Ill be putting up pics to show how I did it.
Im going to get the ion's version. Whenever i get it on along with the blower ill chime back in
I got the Cobalt one for mine, all I had to do was drill into the bumper support to get it to fit to be able to put on the bolts. Large lower holes on the bumper support. You can see the drilled areas that angle up a little. Did it on both sides of the bumper support. (front/back, its hollow)
Also had to trim a lot of the bottom of the front bumper to get the ZZP S3 to fit underneathe. No biggie, its plastic and cuts easy, but you will cut a lot off....
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Sunday, July 15, 2012 10:20 PM
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
Trimming the 03-05 bumpers is not needed. My S3 is mounted the same way and all of my bumpers fit without trimming, Base, LSS w/splitter, and Extreme Tuner.
well you got a better fitment then lol...maybe it had to do with where it was mounted..but mine would hit all over, so i had to trim a lot off. infact you can still see mine sticking out the bottom without a lip kit on the base bumper
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
Just for an update, my 05 sunfire took the ion's not too bad, had to drill holes, but i didnt have to if i cut some of the bumper, only like a half inch though, not as much as blu. I think I want to put some support brackets underneath for more support though. And I never removed the bumper haha
PhillyD, why did i have to angle what back?
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
The heat exchanger is angled back in the pic where as mine is straight in line with the bumper support since I didnt try and make the stock brackets fit.
After doing mine I can see why you had to angle it. I did mine last weekend...hence the pics.