First off I want to thank EVERYONE on this forum for putting up with my spammy requests for help. I finally got my vacuum leak fixed by tearing everything off cleaning it up nicely and using a little RTV on the gasket around each runner. Now should I go ahead and change my oil or do I need to do anything special before I WOT? Its a used charger with 35k on it already so I don't think I'll need to break it in hehe.
I think aslong as you have a wideband and can monitor your AFR's, and its had a properly (or gm flash) tuned computer, let 'er rip!!! i would changed my oil when it was all apart, just cuz it woulda been super simple....
HAVE FUN! post a few pictures of your setup!
Thanks man. I'll post some pics tonight! I don't have an AFR yet. I'll go ahead and change my oil when I get home tonight. I have the GM flash I had done via mail by a place called ExaTorq Tuning and Performance down in Texas.
what did they used to do the flash.....did they tell u if its locked or not?
They used a tech 2 he didn't say if it was locked or not. He called up the hotline and had to pay for a license to flash it. I can ask him if it is unlocked. I cost me $100 with shipping. Not too bad considering GM wanted $160 and I didn't have to schedule an appointment and drive my car on the stock tune.
If its the reflash, its locked..... Get over it people........

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
Yeah I thought the whole deal was GM just did not license it to HP tuners and or HP tuners didn't want to pay for a license.
QWK LN2 (P&P Tuning) wrote:If its the reflash, its locked..... Get over it people........
then why does vince say he has it unlocked? and why does he claim he is using it to tune m62 cars? im just curious.
EvoFire wrote:QWK LN2 (P&P Tuning) wrote:If its the reflash, its locked..... Get over it people........
then why does vince say he has it unlocked? and why does he claim he is using it to tune m62 cars? im just curious.
Because Vince was able to open it... Regardless, Its still locked to anybody else BUT Vince.....

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
Mr Newb wrote:Yeah I thought the whole deal was GM just did not license it to HP tuners and or HP tuners didn't want to pay for a license.
GM did not leave coding that HPT needs to unlock it. So it is locked to HPT.
FU Tuning
Its not locked in the normal way. It is missing it's self diagnostic bits, which is weird because the tech 2 scanner would never know if it @!#$ up flashing the first time. Vince must have spent a metric ass load of time going line by line on the raw binary to "unlock" it. At least from what I understand about working with binaries.
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Yeah I'm a computer programmer and Ive done similar stuff. Not anything on a car PCM before though. Mostly with dll files.
Quick q when do you guys see 10 psi of boost on the stock pulley? I see about 6-7 psi so far. I have taken it up to 6k but I'm not floorig it. I guess WOT is required to see that much boost?
Not all cars will see that psi on the stock pulley. There's alot of variables as to what psi you'll see on what pulley , I barely see 10 and I'm running a 3.1.
So its based on throttle pressure though right? I was just wondering if you have put it to the floor to see max boost? I do have exhaust and I know that will lower my boost a bit as the engine flows better. seeing 11psi on the stock pulley. I see full boost by about 1/4 throttle.
u guys have to remember that gauges will read different gauge "climbs" where are in my logging program its instant, so when i hit the gas, my logging program show 12 psi instantly where as my electronic boost gauge ramps up.
True. I have a mechanical gauge so in theory there shouldnt be much delay. I suppose it could be inaccurate though.
I think I have a leak at the back of my boost gauge. That would explain the low readings. When I am in boost I can hear a hissing coming from it. I'll try and tighten the connection.