okay - I searched and didn't find the answer I needed.
what size yellow top did you end up getting -
(I forget waht the stock battery size is)
seeing how they don't have a listing for the cavaliers
thanks for the info -
hey i know djtwray just got one but i dont know what size.if i talk to him in the next couple of days ill ask him
Correct size is the D34/78.
The little thing they give you to hold it down won't fit right and doesn't look centered, but it holds it.
Club Vantage ::
importfighter.ca :: RIP Trux0r...
I have the 34/78, the only issue being that the bracket doesn't line up perfectly straight, but it's more then enough to hold it securely.
Club Vantage -
Thanks guys - I'll know the right number so the guy at the parts store won't try to sell what HE thinks is right!
i dunno what size i have but it looks fine to me as far as fitment. noticed a smoother idle with it too, worth every cent.
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
Sounds about right to me too.
when i bought mine, i just picked the only one available and bought it, and it fits fine in the stock location.
go and check out
when I got mine, it was a D75/25... it is slightly smaller than the 34/78 but it fits beautifully and works great... I don't think I could fit the 34/78 in mine since I have a CAI with a heat shield that is right there plus every store I talked to including the battery places said that the my cavi needed the 75/25 as opposed to the 34/78 given by a lot of people in here.
According to Auto zone, the optima battery size for my sunfire is a 75/25, though i have a 34/78 in the car.
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
my 34/78 fits just fine. as does the one in the trunk.
The place I purchased mine only had one size also
You're reading my line-break, you are a loser. Lurch <3's the c**k.
so what should i get? wuts the difference? just physical size? or wut?
there are slight spec differences... let me see if I can find it to post here...
MODEL NUMBER D34/78 D75/25
Voltage 12v 12V
Cold Cranking Amps @ 0F 750 650
Cranking Amps @ 32F 870 810
Reserve Capacity 120 98
Capacity (C/20 Rate) 55 48
Internal Resistance (ohms) .0028 .0030
Length 10" 9 5/16"
Width 6 7/8" 6 13/16"
Height 7 13/16" 7 5/8"
Minimum Weight (lbs) 43.5 37.8
Type Post/Terminal Dual SAE & GM Dual SAE & GM
BCI Group 34/78 75/25
*all data courtesy of Optima's webpage*
There y'all go...
ok that didn't work as well as I had hoped... I had it all spaced out nicely
oh well... you should still be able to read it...
The different model numbers or what not determine the physical size, as well as if it is top post, side mount, or both.
I got one that has both.
This made it easy because I could use the stock side mount for the stock wiring, and use the top posts for my after market stuff.
You're reading my line-break, you are a loser. Lurch <3's the c**k.
If you e-mailed Optima and asked they wuold have told you that the correct size is the 75/25. Not that the other one won't work, but that's what optima recommends.