I am curious of the difference, if any, on the magnet diameter between these two size speakers....I have the 5.25" speakers up front , and have one blown. I will be replacing, but i notice i can get 6.5" speakers cheaper than the 5's......i dont have room to put a bigger magnet, without having to cut the metal in the door......
Can you please let me know if all i will have to do is cut out the bracket i have a bit bigger to fit the bigger speaker? since the magnets are very similar..... i do not want to cut the door metal to fit a bigger magnet...
any help would be greatly appreciated.
as long as you have adapters it should fit fine... test it out... my 6.5" mags can fit inside the metal with a little work then i put in the adapters and it was no problems... just make sure its not to big because you dont want ur speaker hitting your door panel
my adapters fit the 5.25" speakers, but i can cut the diameter to fit the 6.5", but i dont want to have any metal work to the door....but your 6.5" fit without cutting any of the door?
yea, 6.5 fit without cutting the door. just widen the adaptor you have for the 5.25. look at the sticky at the top, it has pictures