I am currently building a new box for my subs, and they require 1.3 qft of airspace, but the box i'm building they should have about 2qft per chamber give or take a little, and wanted to know if it will effect my sound?
Current box is 32L X 13H X 13 D Without Ports.
New Box is37L X 17H X 20D (so that if fits flush in the trunk) With ports.
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
Will it effect the sound? Most definitely. You're building a completely different box altogether. It's going to be a whole different animal. What are you tuning your ports to?... And will that fit?... Sounds quite large, I thought 35 was the widest it could be..
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. ![](/global/images/emoticons/al.gif)
if the minimum is 1.3 per sub and your enclosure is 2 per sub that will be fine, the 1.3 is the maker suggesting not to go smaller since it might damage the subs, going up to 2 per sub will give it a lil extra air and might make it hit a lil louder, ask some of the spl people on here who have 2 15's and at least 4 cubes per sub
changing the size of the box for a ported box wil dramatically change the sound. if your making the box to fit your opening flush. why not just build the proper sized box and then just make a trim ring on back of it to make it sit flush that way you box is the proper size, sounds good and you use allot less heavy wood, its much easier to make a 50lb box with a 2 lb trim piece, then it is to deal with a 100 lb box.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
A box too much larger than recomended for the sub is going to drop power handling among doing other things to the over all sound and performance. NO, freak of nature, building a bigger box is not going to be better for the sub simply because you might think it is "louder" or give you more spl. Going outside of the scope of what the sub is made to perform in, the overall specs of the sub will change. Subs performance and sound is going to be based around the enclosure and power it is given. I thinkg sndsgood hit the nail on the head. just build it to the manufacturers specs, and if it's about the look of the box, build a beauty pannel to be the right size. your subs wont sound like crap, your box wont weigh as much, everyones happy.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:not funny... i just can't find that funny... not with 2 copies of the Candyland board game on your shelf.
what i was saying was manufacturers recommend a minimum requirement needed for a sub, example this 15 works in a minimum of 1.75 cubes and will work up to 3 cubes, you go under the minimum and you risk damaging the sub and you will lose alot of sound....my 4 15's require 1.75 minimum each, my old box was about 9-10 cubes and now my new one is right at the minimum and it sounds the same...so i retract my previous statement above, a lil extra air will not make it sound different as long as you stay within recommended measurements for your subs
in MY experience with sealed enclosures all my subs seemed to be a whole hell of a lot louder with the bigger than required airspace boxes.
guys need to point out what boxes your talking about, if your talking ported and you just make the box bigger without modifying the port then your not going to have a great sound, this is where the term one hit wonders comes from because with poor measurements the box hits at one note but doesnt sound good at anything else. with sealed boxes the manufacturer will give you a recomended size and you can usually go withint 20% of that size and still have a good quality sound. going smaller is generally going to give you more spl but at the expense of the bottom end. meaning your sub won't play as low. going with a bigger then reccomended box will give you a little bit flatter responce and the sub will play a bit lower in the frequencies but it wont be quite as loud. its a tradeoff.
zyyyaaa sometimes the box can seem louder because your playing those lower frequencies but that doesnt nessicarily mean it works out to more db's. back in the day most spl machines were tuned in the 100-150hz range because they could acheive more decibles that way. then when sanctioning came in harder they made it be uner 100hz to make it harer on everyone.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
thanks guys, and yes the max is 35 i messed up measuring.
Also with that box should i stay with sealed or tune the ports. Sealed is alot easier to work with but i've heard that ported sounds better.
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
box deminsions will be i am beginning tonight.
35L X 17H X 17D so each chamber will be 16L X 15H X 15D actual space. i think is that correct using 1 inch thick MDF board
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
that will give you 2 cubic foot per sub. pretty big, with that large a box your probalby going to want to go with ported. what sounds better sealed or ported. both when built correctly will sound great. your kind of doing things backwards, you should decide which u want sealed or ported. find the proper airspace for whicher you chooose, then build the box to match.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
I've got the local guys helping with the ports and tuning since i've never done that before, but i'll go from scratch to complete in about a week hopefully. I will try to post pictures if I can find my camera.
Thanks for all the help and opinions.
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
It's gonna be hard to get to fit... I know mine barely fit, but once it was in I had loads of room above the box. mine was 15" high however.
Well the thing is, we have cut the brace out of the back seat area and measured to fit right inside the area that way, just build place and push, i hope.
I think i'm going 35X15X15 thats what the local guys suggest, so since they are professionals i'm listening to them.....lol
they also suggest going with 4 instead of 2 12's but i thought would be overkill for my car. They suggested 2 per chamber one firing in to the cab, the other firing at the truck, but that doesn't seem like it would sound as good as 2 firing back.
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
Wait, wait, wait.. you dont mean you cut out the rear deck? if so you kinda screwed your car up..
no not the rear deck, my back seat had an x bar of really thin sheet metal that they cut out so that my box would rest against the backseat.
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
also if your shop is suggesting two firing foward and two firing back they obviously dont know anything about cancellation in our cars. if you dont plan on sealing the space between your trunk and interior up then fire all the subs towards the back. if you want it loudest, fire them forward and seal up the space between the trunk and cabin so your subs are essential firing from the back wall of the interior.
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