quick question - Audio & Electronics Forum

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quick question
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 5:34 AM
does using a box too small for the application such as a .85 cube box when a 1.25 is recommended. would it cause enough distortion to be heard when
the volume is turned up more than half way? thanks again for any help. and would stuffing the box help some?

Re: quick question
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:07 AM
the box shouldnt be cuasing the "distortion" unless its a leaky box. I would assume that its something with the amplifier gains structure.

Elemental Designs
Warehouse Manager

Re: quick question
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:50 AM
ive had subs in to small a sealed box before and when you started feeding them power it start sounding like someone beating on a metal garbage can (im showing my age now, whens the last time someone seen a metal garbage can)
your getting pretty small there. sealed can usually go 20% withought much issues but 20% would still be around 1 cu ft. and at .85 your getting small. smaller if u didnt take into account the sub. its hard to really tell whats going on though without being able to hear it. fiberfill may work, problaby need a pound of it. but it may not do enough for you.

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Re: quick question
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:39 PM
its just a temp set up right now but the box shouldnt leak, i sprayed the inside of out about 3 coats with spray on truck bed liner and it also was put together with liquidnails. the only reason its so small is i was using scrap wood, to put it together because i am broke until next week. it is quite a large sub so i know it displaces a lot of air. soon as i get paid i plan on gettting a better box so here is my question now. has anyone used those build your own box kits, and how good are they? or would it be better to justbuild one or buy a prefab since all i want is sealed? maybe i can dig up enough change for some polyfill and try that, beuase i had a friend cut out a truck box for one 10 to fit a 12 and it did the same thing until he stuffed it. thanks again.

Re: quick question
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:18 AM
i always make my own boxes. just seems cheaper and i can fit it better to my car, but im sure there are some decent kits out there. along with a bunch of junk ones.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
Re: quick question
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 7:19 AM
ok box was leaking still pretty bad and now its ok for the time being, but i still want to build a ported box for use with the sub i am currently using with plans for a much better sub in the future such as elemental designs, memphis pr series, or kicker comp. all of the web sites i have found that help design boxes are good but the designs that they give are all extremely complicated compared to what i m used to seeing around here, straight ports is what i am used to and these give a serpentine like port design. i figured the more turns in the port woukd cause either more distortion or too much resistance. i used 12volt.com and suberwoofertools.com but any other, simpler site would be nice or just a design in general. my only requirements are, straight port, simple design, fits in a cavalier trunk as close to back seat as possible. here are the subs specs the only on i dont have is the excursion limits but i imagine that it isnt great.
Peak Power 1200watts
FS(Hz) 27.6
Qms 6.5
Qes 0.63
Qts 0.57
Vas (cu ft) 2.652
Vb 7.925
F3 15.76
Fb 19.23
Qte 0.6586
Fe 31.83
F3 34.41 i dont know how i got to different numbers for the same thing.
thanks again

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