ok, about a week ago i bought a dvd player for my car. Now for the problem, it came with a cig lighter adapter but i dont want to use it. The dvd player calls for 9.5v input, if i cut the ends of of the cig lighter adapter and wire it to 12v will it give it too much power or does the dvd player only use the 9.5v. What i am asking is will it fry the dvd player or will it work?
finders keepers losers suck!!
Chances are there is a voltage regulator in the plug. Just get a "power port" (basicaly just a cig lighter you can wire anywhere for $3)plug the cig lighter plug into it, tape it together and wire it like you would if you cut the wires.
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DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
I took the adapter apart and there is a small fuse, but it says 24v on it
finders keepers losers suck!!
if the adaptor is just a fuse, then the transformer must be some place else, so you can if you want cut the end off and directly wire it in... might want to add an inline fuse then
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DIY Clear 03+ Headlights