i am building a speaker box for the back of my blazer(i know, but my j already has a system) and i am putting 2 12' Polk gnx124 i believe that is the right model number, but i was curious what size box to build. the dimensions that i have right know that i plan on building is
2.75-3.00 feet wide
14inches deep
and about 10 inches tall
also the subs are going to be facing up.....fyi
my question is if i build it to those dimensions will that be enough air space??? i am plenty good at building just not specs as far as how much air space to use. also would it help or be better if each speaker was in a separate compartment...if that makes any sense.
any help for a car audio newb would be really appreciated
Are you planning on having a ported or sealed box. You get deeper and less distorted bass if you use a sealed and it takes less power to push the subs. What you first need to find out is what the recommended air requirement for the subs are. so say they require 1 cubic foot of air space then you would need at least a 1 cubic foot box, i;e
1ft x 1ft x 1ft, but you could have any dimensions that you wanted as long as you have a total of 1 cubic ft of air space. In my opinion it is best the have a partition in the center of the single big box to keep the subs from cancelling out some of each others bass. Also remember that you can go bigger than the minimum air space and you will get harder hitting bass, yet you have to have more power to push the subs.
"Drive it like you stole it"