ok, heres the problem. my sub isn't playing the muisic, the only thing i can get out of it is very minimal vibrations. (got to get up close to see those). my amp is on, i can see the power light. so i tried to hook it up to another working sub, i got the same problem. so then i thought maybe it was a problem with the amp, somethin with speaker output. so i hooked up another amp, and i got the same problem, minimal vibrations out of the sub and nothing more. this is driving me crazy, i can not figure out the problem at all.
any help would be great.
How is you gain?
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
i've played with that, turned it up and down. it needs to be at max, just to get that little vibration to happen from the subs.
Sounds like either little or no signal, or something else. I hope one of the experts can help ya.
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
hey have you tried the wiring?? i was having the same problem with mine and i just ran new Audio wires(red and grey). did you run them off a converter box from the stock radio??? it could be that. lemme know I've got a buddy over here in my shop that has done installs for like 10 years so if i cant help he sure can.
Check and make sure the sub output is turned on if you have the option for it. If not, try a different set of RCA outputs.
You know i really couldnt think of RCA's thanks!!
"Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set!"
do u have two subs and do the other sub word? u could have the wires on the sub backwards from the ones on your box causing them to that
i only have one sub, and i know the speaker wires arent backwords. well i gues it could be the rca's. but the fact that everything worked before i unhooked all the wires makes it hard to believe that. can the wires go bad all of a sudden like that?
wired out of phase wouldn't cause that.
double check your rcas....at the back of the deck, and at the amp. make sure your connections aren't loose. (sounds like a loose rca wire...and not all of the signal is being passed on)
if that's all good, i would replace the rca's...or at least hook some up that you know are good.
Offical dealer for the following-
first is the amp in protect mode.? if not then check the resistance between the + and - on the sub it should be the same ohm rating listed on the back of the sub normally 4 if its not within .5 ohms max difference (3.5-4.5) then your sub is prob blown. if its good then check to see the remote turn on and power wires read approx. 12 volts with a multi meter. if that is good then run a new rca wire from the deck to the amp. if that doesn't work then its either the amp or the radio. try swapping one then the other out. Give me a shout if that doesn't work.