Hey guys, i'm lookin for a good spot to mount my amp where you...can't see it.... i ripped out my backseat to my dissapointment, and saw that under my seat was metal...nothig else. Lame'd! And i am lookin at under my carpet in my trunk, but there doens't seem to be much flexibility so that it looks like stock, or at least ALMOST stock, when i put it. I'm stead installing an 8 or 10 in the left corner of my trunk, and i thought i would be cool to not see my system at all. i need my spare tire well, i'm only 17 and i've had my share of blowouts and @!#$, that tire has saved my @!#$ life numerous times. Any other little secret spots around the car? i relaly dont' care where its installed, just so long as i can get wire to my sub(whcih shouldn't be a prob anywhere in the car) anybody got some ideas, or share some pics of what you did for your install? Also, how do you get the fabric off of the backseat, the backrest? I see the zipper line, but i can't find the little sippy thingy itself. Would it be a good idea to just install my amp in the seat? Thanks ahead of time!
dont try to hide the amp in closed spaces like that... eletrical fires could start if wired wrong and... it would overheat the amp and blow it in no time... i mounted mine on the box... you can mount it behind the backseat... make your own compartment... fiberglass it in.... maybe even under ur passenger seat... depends on the size of the amp
I've got one mounted on the box and another mounted under my passenger seat.. looks pretty clean to me
Just be carefull about mounting it on the box, With mine after about a yr of pounding my amp messed up. Lucky still had warrenty but the company said ( plant audio ) it had to do with it being mounted tothe box.
If i didn't have warrenty it would have cost me about 80 bucks to fix, something with the power suppy, i dunno, i just know they fixed it for free
I don't know if anyone else ran into this problem but i have so i thought i would share.
I've never seen an amp go bad from being mounted to the box, could have just been a defect that they tried to blame on you. As said above do NOT put the amp somewhere where it will be covered and no ventalation can get to it. If you want it to be hidden, you could mount it to the bottom of the rear deck, or as said above, mount it to a wooden board and then mount the board to the floor under one of the front seats.
i guess. the bad part about it was that i had the shop i bought that amp from installed by them, and they mounted it to the box, and then that happn. so i dunno.
That is just what they told me.
I place mine where u pull down the truck part and place it there.