alright i have a 99 z24 auto with stock internals and 100k should i even be looking at nitrous beofre i get new itnernals or can i run like 50 hp safely how much is a good kit and what is a good kit i like the sound of the wot switch do some kits include it? how much does a tank cost to get filled and how long will it last. thanx
what is a good kit
i have NX wet kit. i like it
do some kits include it?
i think most include the WOT
how much does a tank cost to get filled
depending on were you get it filled. i pay 40 for a 10 pound bottle
how long will it last
depends on how much your purge and how much you want to run on your motor
and a 50 shot should be ok for you. just run the higher octane gas and colder plugs
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