be creative
add JGoodmanSS07SC on there somewhere
Color correcting goes a long way. I'm not the best at it, but I did my best to make it look less washed out.
^^ i did that too....then messed with the brightness/contrast to make it look very bright and full ove color/values....which added a TONE of color, and bevery dramatic, bright and dark spots....and then i moved the saturation down to like 25% ...and it gave the background a very cartoon/painted like look, which i liked...but then made the car look like the original....all washed out! hhahaha!
Wow, that sounds pretty fancy lol... I only bumped the mid levels to be darker, the highlights to be a little less bright & then used the burn tool on the back/top just a tad. Using levels and the burn/dodge/sponge tools are how I do most of my colors.